New Year’s Divorce?
Dec 28 2018 - Posted by Chris Lincoln of The Lincoln Law Firm, PLLC, in Divorce
As with each new year, resolutions are made. Maybe you have thought of some yourself. A healthier lifestyle, mending a broken friendship, saving for retirement, a divorce… New Year’s is an increasingly popular time for divorce. The reasons why are simple.
- Fresh Start – no matter what your resolution may be, it likely involves a fresh start at something. That is the motivation behind the increase in divorce filings around the 1st of the year. For some, it may seem like the “right” opportunity to make the first move towards a new life ahead without their spouse. New year, new me.
- Holiday Stress – the holidays (for most of us) are stressful. Not just financially, but there is usually a lot more time spent with your family and extended family. This can be a time where you enjoy your spouse, or where all this extra time together and stress has made you realize you need a break on a permanent level.
If you find yourself wanting a divorce this New Year or are on the receiving end of a spouse who wants one, your resolution may just be to survive 2019. While this is understandable, if you find yourself in this position, here are a few more resolutions to embrace throughout the year and the divorce process.
In 2019, I will…
- Let go of the anger
- Put my children first
- Fight fair
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