If you and your spouse are amicable in your divorce or you want your divorce to be amicable, then Collaborative Divorce offers a way to divorce differently. Collaborative Divorce is a process in which all negotiations are done out of court and all proceedings regarding your divorce are done in private. Collaborative Divorce focuses on creating customized solutions for your family. The goal of a Collaborative Divorce is to end your marriage in a dignified manner where relationships are preserved. Divorce is the death of a marriage. It is also a time for spouses to embark on a new beginning. A new beginning can best be accomplished by sound planning regarding your finances and raising your minor children during the divorce process—Collaborative Divorce offers this alternative.
- Wouldn’t it be nice to create a division of your property privately?
- Wouldn’t it be nice to have a neutral team of professionals to reason with you and your spouse when there are disagreements?
- Wouldn’t it be nice if divorced parents didn’t have a sense of hesitancy and anxiety regarding attending children’s events knowing they will see their former spouse?
- Wouldn’t it be ideal if both parents could attend soccer games and dance recitals without their children internalizing their parent’s anxiety seeing the other parent?
- Wouldn’t it be beneficial to save on the cost of traditional litigation by working together collaboratively?
Collaborative Divorce offers all of the above and more. Collaborative Divorce is based on a team approach including professionals dedicated to accomplishing you and your spouses’ mutual goals in the divorce. While you and your spouse will each have your own attorney as your advocate to represent your best interest, neutral third-party professionals are also included in the team as needed. The third-party professionals do not represent either party, and provide an excellent neutral resource. Some examples of neutral professionals who may be a part of your team are as follows:
- Financial Advisor
- Certified Public Accountant/Tax Professional
- Mental Health Advisor
- Counselor
Collaborative Divorce is not suitable in all situations. You should discuss your situation with your attorney to determine if a Collaborative Divorce is appropriate for your situation.
For more information on the Collaborative Divorce process, please contact The Lincoln Law Firm, PLLC at 281-970-9005.
You may also go to http://www.collaborativedivorcetexas.com/ to learn more.