Dogs in Divorce (and other furry friends too)

Jul 13 2018 - Posted by , in Divorce

Dogs in Divorce (and other furry friends too)

Dogs and cats are more than just “pets” to many people. Many consider their 4-legged friends to be family members. You do not need to look far to find a dog or cat with their very own social media page, and yes, you should follow them. Who doesn’t love adorable pictures of animals to brighten each day? So, what happens to the beloved dog or cat when his or her humans separate or divorce? Custody …

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Contemplating divorce? Post-reform taxes deserve consideration

Jul 5 2018 - Posted by , in Divorce

When making a major decision, it’s a bad idea to do it under pressure. That goes for making major purchases in your life, or ending relationships with significant others. You face decisions about your past and your future, and in some instances the future of children. Financial aspects of the dissolution may seem the driest of issues to wade through because of the accounting involved, but they are also among the most important because of …

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